If you’ve affection for some gore
And dislike films that drag and bore
Than I have film that’s made for you
With blood by bucket, zombies too!
Great Peter Jackson, he’s a king!
(The one who made Lord of the Rings)
Long time ago made movie weird
One of which you’ve never heard
But dig it up, you won’t regret it
Watch it once, you won’t forget it
It’s got romance and comedy
All mixed up with mystery
But most of all, and this is good
It’s got a ton of viscous blood!
See, in this movie there’s a plague
Often how a zombie’s made
But this is not your average story
Where monsters kill and things get gory
No, this has zombie sex and babies
50s music, rats with rabies
There’s love between a boy and girl
Trapped within a zombie world
If carnage is a thing you go for
There’s zombie death by gas lawn mower
There’s so much blood your head will spin
Amount that were you to step in
You’d disappear as if you’d fell
In gore-filled never-ending well
If you’re convinced by what I’ve said
Get copy of the film, “Braindead”
(Been known to put your gorge to test
An empty stomach might be best!)