Why do some choose not to yield
Their auto as a lance they wield
They shoot towards me like a bullet
With trigger, chose to blindly pull it
Though light is red, the chance they take
Is that the right turn they can make
Without a thought to who might wait
Whose right of way? There’s no debate
They’re looking left, for all they care
Is that no other car is there
But to their right, with light of green
Is person who longs to be seen
Without recourse, just meager bell
There is no warning that works well
So if I choose to make my way
It’s likely with my life I’ll pay
Though I be right, I will be dead
Or maybe just a bleeding head
And that is what my day is like
I take chance when I ride my bike
I’m better driver on two wheels
Then them with four, that’s how it feels
So if you read this, and you drive
Please help this biker stay alive
At intersections, look both ways
Ease up, remember, caution pays
And listen to this cyclist’s prayer -
Don’t make turns blindly, without care
You never know who might be there…