Tis arrogance of man’s stiff plod
To think he shares his gifts with God
Hubristic stance that he shall give
The lifeless breath, the will to live
With sum of parts, cast-off, discarded
Corpse forsaken by hard-hearted
That is the vice of Frankenstein
A tale that stands the test of time
Of youthful zeal in skill and science
Experiments of sheer defiance
Conjured creature from the depths
Pulling life from grasp of death
But woe to them that blindly try
The laws of nature, they dared defy
The fruit is spoiled, a ghastly pall
Doomed and banished, shunned by all
Till nothing’s left of tortured soul
But vengeful rage, to maim, their goal
To be unloved by their creator
The agony, there’s nothing greater
And he who loosed this “fallen angel”
Sought to end existence hateful
Pursued it to the coldest reaches
An insane drive which ever breaches
Beliefs that could be deemed as sainted
To Frankenstein, his “offspring” tainted
So in the end, both made and maker
Of Life, the giver and the taker
In the end, met equal fate
Though born of hope, they learned too late
Such insolence needs to be chastened
Life’s to be prized, not toyed and wasted
When lines are crossed, we are at odds
Mere mortals shan’t eclipse the Gods…