We seek seashells by the shore
Peeking through the waves and sand
At sunrise gladly we explore
Gathered prizes spill from hands
Seaswept cloaked in hidden kelp
Abandoned conch and bearded mussel
Hermit crab in mode of stealth
Loses home in sandy tussle
Glass made smooth from crushing surf
Fossilized the craggy rock
A record of the ocean’s birth
Now dwelling for a seagull flock
Treasures flushed from purest blue
Spiraled husk and carapace
Iridescent in its hue
And coral delicate as lace
Memories of eyes salt-stung
Collecting from the bounding main
Beaches walked since I was young
Won’t be replaced by prairie plain
Full my heart as much my hands
Searching long into the gloaming
My coastal soul now locked by land
Oh how I love and miss beachcombing…