There’s running joke within my house
A jape my family likes to flout
That makes me look a downright louse
To one as lovely as my spouse
I never can remember date
Of hubby’s birthday, ah ‘tis fate
I come out looking not so great
Tis one of my least worthy traits
It’s always been a strange conundrum
Remembering a special someone
It should be easy, he’s my husband!
It makes me feel like quite the dum-dum!
But he is loving and so kind
And honestly, he doesn’t mind
Like faulty clock you cannot wind
I shall forget, till end of time
Yet here we are, the very day
I did remember! I’m here to say
I wish him in the grandest way
He has the best of all birthdays!
(All these years, I’m getting smarter
‘Cause finally this time I made sure
I won’t be called an amateur -
The date was marked in calendar!)