There is a choice we make
Each moment we pass from unaware to awake
Each time we feel stirred
The lines we cross are fragile and blurred
Hot fingers ball into fist
Tongue curls in mouth to lash or resist
What is the weapon we wield
Will it be a sword or shield
That fights the worst of our urges
That offers relief as it purges
It is breath
It lifts, expands, defies death
Learn its power, mine its depth
Summon it often but never waste
Allow it freedom but not in haste
Untethered beast wildly maned
You will find that once it’s tamed
Unleashes force that’s most benign
Obliges sense to realign
Draw upon its mystic strength
To shorten much all anger’s length
Victims not of random fates
Grants us will to temper hate
Do we inhale with gentle calm
Cooling breath that acts as balm
Releasing tension without a blow
Win the war by letting go
Or do we cling to festered thoughts
Victory at any cost
Do we save a life in pain
Or meanly hoard and gasp in vain?