A tale that’s strange as e’re been known Has taken on life of its own
Illicit coke sailed through the air
And created mythic Cocaine Bear
This sweet black bear was once alive
Way back in nineteen eighty-five
Living free, what he loved most
Unbeknownst, he’d soon be toast
For high above a plane too heavy
Would soon disburse illegal levy
Overboard those drugs did go
Fell to the forest far below
Container weighing many pounds
Spread its cargo on the ground
40 packs of pure cocaine
Enough to fry a creature’s brain
Was found by unsuspecting bear
Who decided to, right then and there
Eat every ounce, how could he know?
That that was quite a lot of blow
He ate and ate and ate and ate
All those bags of bootlegged freight
I bet you’ll guess just how this goes
That poor black bear did overdose
But that is not how ends this story
For Cocaine Bear reached further glory
Turns out he got himself quite stuffed
But now with taxidermist’s fluff
That bear lives on, so cute and plucky
From park to mall sat in Kentucky
Was bought and sold, trekked many miles
So that one day, displayed in style
His story spreads like all myths do
Where parts are lore and some are true
His carcass now, though far from woods
Is being used for something “good”
He wears a note for all to see:
Steer clear of drugs, or dead you’ll be!
You might end up in deep despair
Or stuffed like our friend, Cocaine Bear…