Of all the things that bind us as species
High in the chain, thick our love is of theses
Superiority in practice, but not in the real
Our virtue, our bane, describes how we feel
Defines us, undoes us, traps and sets free
Indulgent and reckless, yet fits like a tee
I think, so I am, as I feel, so I act
Let loose like a bull, I will love or attack
No time to debate how I know what I learn
What happens soon after, is not my concern
For what will connect, just as quick pulls asunder
As calm sky will gray and can rock with mad thunder
The whys and the hows as unknown as the whens
And feeling the feels as they’re felt by our ken
Like slippery eels, or a lard-slickened hog
We’re unable to grasp, dismay leaves us agog
As calloused as thumb that’s rubbed raw till it’s thin
As rankled as cushion that’s prickled with pins
Our only defense, to lash out and discount
The feelings of others, in any amount
Yet what is the answer to all this affronting
When egos enraged in unfettered confronting
Unrefuted the reason is that we presume
And on we will go from the cradle to tomb
Our very existence dependent on gall
It’s brought us to heights, then spectacular falls
The circle is vicious, and appears neverending
Like the rows that we hoe, and the seedlings we’re tending
Tis what gives us life and our reason to be
And hounds us, like scourge, for all eternity…