No one wants to hear me whine
Go on and on, take up their time
As if there’s nothing good to do
But revel in this feeling blue
For sharing sorrow seems a chore
And sad things always tend to bore
And yet this form of writing lends
Itself to all the peevish trends
Like they that did my heart so wrong
We mustn’t mourn lost love too long
Or how the world has gone to crap
Our lives are just one long mishap
What would the grouchy poets do
If we can’t grouse a line or two
There’s nothing that quite brings together
Folks then harping on bad weather
There’s none more fixed camaraderie
Then misery loves company
I ask you, tell me honestly
When keen lament dealt brutally
Does touch that pit inside us all
In love with gripe we deeply fall
Hard to admit that sometimes fret
As close to happy that we’ll get
That some of us down path will follow
To special place we get to wallow
Deny us not our chance to shine
No vintage beats my finest whine…