Oh honeybee oh hardworking one
Flitting through skies and warmed by the sun
Darting and buzzing from flower to flower Busy collecting food hour upon hour
A beautiful world you’ve a wing in creating
Where would we be without your pollinating
If you disappear I’m not sure what we’d do
Some say we’re dependent some say it’s not true
But what I believe is that we’re all intertwining
Human and creature through nature’s divining
One without other would be most pernicious
Our tables less laden our food less delicious
I firmly believe that we must save the bee
Along with the rivers, the ocean, the tree
Start at the root of the problem and rise
Truly face facts and perhaps we’ll grow wise
For what the bee brings besides all that honey
Cannot be replaced regardless of money
Provide them oasis, put down the spray
Leave them in peace as they go ‘bout their way
The beauty of bees we can watch all day long
Let their hypnotic hum be summer’s sweet song…