There may be a general malaise in the air
Pervasive this feeling that people don’t care
And topping things off there are problems galore
We wonder what Nature for us has in store
Hurricanes, blizzards and fires and ice
To venture outdoors takes a roll of the dice
Some have no choice and must travel that road
The truck driver carries much more than their load
We rant when they’re slow yet we scream when they’re late
We think them nobodies yet value their freight
We don’t know these people nor care for their plight
We push them to drive all the day and through night
And still they show up and they do it again
Performing a job that would drive most insane
Faceless and nameless but that’s not this story
Instead let us shower one driver with glory
This man from Virginia, Jean-Carlo Gachet
Was stuck in his truck on an icy highway
For hours and hours he waited not moving
Could see that conditions were so not improving
Night turned to morning and yet he could smile
For he had supplies that would last him a while
But what happened next would fill most hearts with pride
Took food from his truck and he headed outside
A car that he’d watched had been stuck in his mind
He knew that long hours had passed since they’d dined
So he offered the driver a warm bite to eat
They were quite surprised but were glad for the treat
And this is the thing that we often forget
Lost in the headlines of sadness and debt
That gestures of kindness mean more than we know
And moments of being just thoughtful can show
That we are not lost and compassion’s not dead
For a goodhearted man made sure others were fed
I hope that this tale makes your insides feel lighter
And buoys all our spirits and makes days ahead brighter