How lying comes with ease to some
Where does this untruth lean come from?
Those folks with mouth the normal size
Can sure unleash humongous lies
There’s chance that it is pathological
So handy when one’s demagogic-al
They know there’s people who believe
Too easily, so to deceive
They smile too big and promise much
And fool the herd with lightest touch
But when there’s need of BIG convincing
They’ll lie so bad, it has me wincing
They know their target, and their goal
To get ahead, be damned their soul!
Like guile to them is favoured sport
They only stop if dragged to court
You’d think that’s where their lies might end
Even when to jail we send
But yet in cell they’ll sit and stew
And ponder what more they could do
Regret’s a word, and nothing else
The only victim is themselves
And left we are with lives askew
To clarify what’s real and true
Then figure out our own protection
From those that traffic in deception
Make lying eyes lose all their power
We must shut theirs and open ours!