I am empty a vessel as broken clay pot
A message in bottle that was tossed and forgot
One shoe in the gutter alone without match
A looted old shed, beaten door without latch
With absence of spirit the wind seems to cease
The air hangs like pall but the hush brings no peace
Eyes red and rheumy no tears left to cry
Skin cracked like the earth in a creek that’s run dry
Teeth black and rotted in mouth that is parched
Blistered and tired these feet forced to march
Aimless and rootless compelled to move on
Though all recollections of love are long gone
But there’s break in the clouds as the dusk leaves for night
Fluorescent pink beams provide scrapings of light
And the sun as it sets, to the cowed, seems to flee
But it only seeks pause for it sleeps fitfully
And me with mere faith that there’s always a dawn
Tis barely a thing to hang all my hopes on
Still finds strength to walk though I’m tired and worn
For none can stand to this old crone and the morn…