Look up, not down, then all around
And realize that good surrounds
‘Cause only thing you get from worry
Is a sense of panicked scurry
The only thing that rushing did
Is leave a smudge-mark where we skid
The things o’er which we choose to fuss
Who cares? The end’s the same for us
And even if you’ve all the toys
It matters not if there’s no joy
I recommend you itemize
Your life goals, then prioritize
And at the top, I hope you list
The thing that brings the purest bliss
Won’t no one care what jams your toast
Just that this thing that you love most
Is where you spend your energy
To get to where you want to be
This life’s too short, you get one chance
So grab a mate for that next dance
It doesn’t matter who is watching
Just that the fencepost that you’re notching
Is marked with all your dreams fulfilled
Until the day your spirit’s stilled
Your candle on both ends got burned
You left no stone on path unturned
And on your headstone states the fact
“Full steam ahead, no looking back!”