I’m relic from another era
Like spandex leggings, thick mascara
The spiky hair and neon mesh
And man, the music was the best!
Oh there was nothing better than
The thing I loved from way back when
Was dancing in a smoke-filled club
Those 80s gay bars were the hub
In those days they were so subversive
Insurgent vibe was so immersive
With attitude of every hue
The Cure to wild B-52s
The goths and preps were hard at war
But all was love on crammed dance floor
You sweat and spun, there was no stopping
And choked on smell of poppers popping
The smoke machines and lights so strobe
In perfect sync to Depeche Mode
You fought for space in corner darkened
Wearing thickly soled Doc Martens
On Friday nights with my best friend
We never wanted it to end
And yet today, we can’t go back
With aching joints and knees that crack
But snip of song like sharp hand slappin’
It makes if feel like it just happened
Though getting old feels kinda sad
I’ll not forget the fun I had
And into night, I won’t go quiet
Don’t call me aged, I’ll just deny it
I’ll blast those songs, if nothing else
And go out dancing by myself…