Light-footed and lion-hearted
Chasing shadows round corners darted
Fierce and freely domesticated
From local fauna she's separated
But instincts flare should birds alight
She flicks her tail when caught in sight
Her feline ways staunchly supported
Still wilding days are ever thwarted
A hunter's instinct is never dimmed
Gentle nature is barely skimmed
Yet we're fooled and plain naïve
For cats are clever apt to deceive
One moment tame and softly purring
Next minute chaos is fast occurring
Our skin is slashed with scars and pricks
Their tempers random and claws are quick
But all's forgiven and bonds renewed
That naughtiness so far subdued
Because when nestled in my arms
Beguiling me with lynx-like charms
A lovestruck slave I'll always be
To this riddle wrapped in mystery