There are people we all know
Who cannot stop complaining
Even though it makes things grow
They still hate when it’s raining
Even if the weather’s fine
It’s suddenly too hot
Their default is to always whine
Without regard or thought
The glass is never quite as full
Even when o’erflowing
Or they say all things are dull
Their peevishness is showing
It seems to be their temperament
Their natural way of being
To act like things are slightly bent
From others’ way of seeing
If only they’d appreciate
How different we all are
Perhaps they’d turn their thinking straight
They’re better off by far
I would think there’s not much worse
Than one who can’t be humble
I’d rather put your feelings first
When I’m about to grumble
So when we are about to groan
Let’s find the side that’s bright
There’s often nothing to bemoan
When our mindset is set right!