There are things we had as kids
We longed for and collected
Coins and stamps or trading cards
Those things kept us connected
The fondest of my memories
Was found in corner store
The comic book displayed in racks
Was what we all lived for
The best way to spend pocket change
Or allowance so hard earned
We couldn’t wait to open them
So quick those pages turned
Devoured all those stories up
Of heroes brave and bold
Fighting villains time and again
Those plots did not get old
It mattered not how many times
They won and lost their battles
All we cared is that they fought
How sword and shield did rattle
We hoarded them and would not trash
Their value never dimmed
Happily our childhood craze
Was not reduced to whim
We prize them even more today
We treat them with kid gloves
Preserving them like works of art
These flimsy books we love
Nostalgia is a weighty hand
That guides adult obsession
Such reminders of our innocence
Remain a beloved possession…