*Illustration reference: Meehee Hanbok
So beautiful and graceful falls
This simple gown, how it enthralls
Tis regal yet uncomplicated
Splendid but still understated
Chima Jeogori is its name
The hanbok has reached higher fame
For when you see this style of dress
Its gloriousness steals your breath
Koreans since antiquity
Have worn raiment majestically
Designed for ease and relaxed wear
Yet favoured trim was stitched with care
The shape it keeps does not reveal
Its modestness meant to conceal
Yet beauty of the wearer shines
The silhouette is quite divine
A silk-draped bell, or bowing bloom
Exquisite as a polished plume
Unpatterned or full of design
Materials from plain to fine
Though often saved for times of fete
It’s made its way to party set
As fashion does as fashion will
From court to street this dress has spilled
May one day I don such a gown
I’ll make my way, so proud, through town
In garb that any form it suits
To honour my Korean roots!