There’s none more cruel said to a child
What’s with your hair? It’s run pure wild!
Those teasing words that irk like pest
Compares my tresses to bird’s nest
Like brambled thicket drowns a thrush
They say it’s like a toilet brush!
How jealous when I sneak a peek
At girls with hair so smooth and sleek
They wouldn’t have the problem of
A stranger’s hands so rudely shoved
Straight through my hair as if a sport
Would laugh if I got out of sorts…
How sad those years I slouched just so
To hide my hair, hoped it’d not grow
So decades passed, much less unknown
Into my hair my spirit’s grown!
It might be crazed when I awake
It matters not how long it takes
To tame the beast they used to mock
Who cares!? This head loves 80s rock!
Instead of stares there’s complements
Instead of meek I’m opulent!
With confidence I greet this world
A fearless queen with crown of curls!