*Illustration reference: Fulton County Jail
Each one of us has fatal flaw
He thought himself above the law
Be that it may, no ego boost
Tis more a chicken’s home to roost
Some think this without precedent
No mugshot stands, where president
Within our infant history
That’s rocked with vile proclivity
Known to exist, but here it is
(And boy, does Trump look really pissed)
You’d think that this one for the books
Would garner more a charming look
But Trump has written on blank page
With most abnormal acts of rage
That he will not go into night
Without the most prodigious fight
There’s never quiet in his sphere
And that is what has got us here…
So take deep breath, no time for laughter
On voyage in uncharted water
There is no rest, no setting sun
Until we see some justice done!