Let us dream of the day
When we all get along
And a voice raised in shouting
Is made sweet with a song
A day when you're giving
Much more than you're taking
When a hand raised in conflict
Is outstretched for friend-making
Where differences settled
Without stress and trauma
Are accepted wholehearted
Bereft of false drama
Where bridges are built
Instead of destroyed
Most problems are solved
That we tend to avoid
When wishes for peace
Are not hollowly preached
And calls for prompt action
Are soundly beseeched
Trust there's a time
When a whisper's too quiet
When we see talk is cheap
And there's none left to buy it
Have we've reached the age
When we rise to occasion
And injustice is met with
Some healthy hell-raisin'?
Perhaps we shall see
With this new generation
An optimist's future
But a stern declaration
Beware falling back
To mistakes long-in-tooth
A new sheriff's in town
And its first name is Truth
When sincerely it's asked
Who will answer that call
And a world full of promise
Is made one and for all