You comin’ for my right to choose?
That battle’s one you’re gonna lose
You want to put chains on my uterus?
You know damn well what that will do to us
The year is twenty-twenty four
I thought we’d shut that goddamn door
And pad-o’-locked that deadbolt tight
But now you’ve got us in your sights
For motherhood is lifelong role
And not one that needs your control
To force birth is a thing obscene
But that’s exactly what you mean
In antiquated screed you’re mired
With rhetoric that’s old and tired
It doesn’t matter to you ghouls
You zealots! You’re unstable fools
You’ve made this issue white or black
Your strategy? Advance, attack
You think you’ve morals? They’re what you lack
You’re only goal, to send us back
To rules and laws from way back when
That obliges women to all men
To tie us down, to be in service
Two steps ahead? You will reverse us
You’ll choke us to our dying breath
You’d bring us to the brink of death -
No, we have fought too far, too long
Not woman weak, but woman strong
Be careful what you reap, you’ll sow
We’ll take this far as it must go
To have dominion is no sin
Dare try to take it? You. Will. Not. Win.